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Moon and stars and bridal white,
Joyous wedding day and night,
Winter cold but arms to hold us tight,
And so our union began.

We didn’t care so much for wealth;
We pledged in sickness and in health.

Sickness came before we knew
But came with future joy in view,
And so a family we’d plan.

We worked in fields of growing grain,
Prayed for needed sun and rain,
Calves and milk, a farmers gain,
And a harvest to carry us through.

Together courage we would share,
Not an easy year for a brand new pair.

Our daughter didn’t live a day;
It wasn’t supposed to go that way.

With sad hearts we held warm, loved hands.

Then the bright-leafed fall of another year,
And hope sprang up our hearts to cheer,
Another baby on the way.

With cautious gladness we prepared for the day
And with joy held a precious son.

Then, as it can, a problem crept in,
Caused doubt and sadness to begin.

The elixer said to gladden hearts
Began to tear our trust apart;
Cold prickles and hard walls began.

Through remorse and new hope, we tried to find good;
The years found increasing our precious brood.

Insidious element, please go away.

To make our world right, there must be a way.

We held on, blamed, and tried to forgive.

God sends us hope in odd-looking ways;
Traumatic events bid, “seek help for the days.”
So our path took a brand new direction,
And, little by little, renewed our affection.

We found new tools by which we could live.

The precious young man, so loved and adored
Not only found help but also the Lord.

The girl so well-loved learned that her place
Was actively sharing as heirs of God’s grace.

Never knowing cold prickles, would we cheer when it’s warm?
And you’re dearer for sharing the storm.

©2010 Carol Morfitt

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