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What Manner of Love

You’re joying over me with singing,
Your laughter lighting up Your face.

When my little efforts look to me like nothing,
You elevate me with Your marvelous grace.

You look at me and see Your incomparable Son;
You’ve covered me with His cleansing blood.

It isn’t the greatness of my efforts
That makes me lovely, worthy to be loved.

You’ve washed me. Clothed me in Your righteousness
And daily from my bondage set me free.

You took my wrongs, gave to me Your goodness
And with Your precious name You honor me.

“And what is it that I can do,” I ask You,
“To show my gratitude for all You’ve done?”
You’ve shown me; now I need Your strength and Your direction
To help another of Your children find Your lovely Son.

©2010 Carol Morfitt

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